I am always receiving gags and cool files in the email that are good for a laugh. I never save them because they take up too much space. So this time I decided why not make links to sites that host these fun files. So here they are. Attention webmasters! If you have some fun files on your site, share them with us and I will post them.
SunWarrior’s Free SunWarrior’s Supplements
Fake Candy Apple Cover onions in caramel and stick a stick into it. Leave in fridge.
Fake Candy Apple Cover onions in caramel and stick a stick into it. Leave in fridge.
Soap Prank Paint a bar of soap with clear nail polish to prevent it from lathering.
Total Confusion Firefox has a special April Fools� extension that will make your coworker�s life a living hell. The back button will go back two pages instead of one. Devil�s Inbox will make it so his Gmail reads 666 unread emails all day. Sarcasm Enhancer inserts remarks such as �lol,� �really?� and �whatever,� etc. as he works. Watch It makes it seem like a screen is loading forever (even though it isn�t).
Blue Screen of Death This is an indication that something has gone so terribly wrong. Enjoy the face of your co-workers when they see this on their computer!!! Microsoft has a great fun BlueScreen that you can download as a screen saver onto your victims computer.
Unscheduled Meeting Go around the office and tell random people that a particular person (e.g. your friend) wanted them to drop over at 11am - they will be surprised when 50 people drop around to their cubicle at once.
Make your very own "orange" juice. Grab a juice jug, fill it with water and the cheese pouch from Kraft dinner.
If you have any Free Stuff you would like to add just contact us. We update our free stuff daily and contact our mailing list daily.
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